ID 497

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is NOT a property of a parallelogram?

ID 499

Geometry and  Measurement K7Tim expands his rectangular-shaped garage. The garage is 4 meters wide and 5 meters long. He wants to triple the width and to double the length.

How does this affect the area of the garage?

ID 502

Geometry and  Measurement K7Both triangles are isosceles.
Which is the biggest?

ID 503

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the smallest?

ID 504

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which two shapes have the same area?

ID 505

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the smallest?

ID 506

Geometry and  Measurement K7Identify the surface area of the brick.

ID 509

Geometry and  Measurement K7Anna cut four congruent triangles from the corners of a rectangle to make a hexagon.

What is the area of the colored hexagon?

ID 512

Geometry and  Measurement K7The shape is turned 270o clockwise, and then 45o counterclockwise.

Find the new position of point A.

ID 513

Geometry and  Measurement K7The volume of a box is 750 cm3.
The ratio of the box length, width and height is

3:2:1 (length : width : height, respectively)

What could its length be?

ID 514

Geometry and  Measurement K7A, B, and C are the midpoints of the sides of an equilateral triangle.
Which fraction of this triangle is shaded?

ID 518

Geometry and  Measurement K7The diagram shows two skateboard ramps.

Are the ramps similar triangles?

If yes, which fraction represents the ratio of the corresponding side lengths of the smaller and larger ramps?

ID 520

Geometry and  Measurement K7By how many times is the perimeter of the shape made smaller, compared to the original perimeter, if the lengths of the shape are divided by 4?

ID 522

Geometry and  Measurement K7The ball is covered with different kinds of polygons.

Find them.

ID 523

Geometry and  Measurement K7The shape is to be reflected 3 times over the vertical line y and then reflected over the horizontal line x. Find its new position.

ID 525

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the value of X.

ID 532

Geometry and  Measurement K7Add one square to this pattern to give it one line of symmetry.

Find the position of the square.

ID 538

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the smallest arc length.

ID 539

Geometry and  Measurement K7How do the following planes intersect?

ID 540

Geometry and  Measurement K7How much of the following figure is colored?

ID 542

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many of the small triangles would be needed to cover 1/4 of the trapezoid?

ID 545

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the number of lines of symmetry in a square.

ID 546

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which shapes each have 1 line of symmetry?

ID 548

Geometry and  Measurement K7John starts at point A and then follows the arrows.

Where is the end of the trip?

ID 551

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which angle measures 90°?

ID 552

Geometry and  Measurement K7Each square is 1 square unit.

What is the area of the colored triangle?

ID 553

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which shape can be made by placing together these two shapes?

ID 554

Geometry and  Measurement K7Two boys, starting at the same point,
walk in opposite directions for X meters,
turn right and walk another Y meters,
and then turn right and walk another X meters.

What is the distance between them?

ID 560

Geometry and  Measurement K7A 7x7x7cube is painted, and then cut into 1x1x1 cubes.

How many of these cubes are painted on exactly two sides?

ID 564

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which of the following nets will form a closed triangular prism?

ID 566

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which line segment is the longest?

ID 569

Geometry and  Measurement K7The city council plans to build a playground. The shape of the playground will be a hexagon.
The playground fence has six posts on each side.

How many fence posts will be around the playground?

ID 571

Geometry and  Measurement K7The shape is composed of squares and isosceles triangles.

What percentage of the shape is green?

ID 573

Geometry and  Measurement K7Four people start from the same point.
A walks northwest at 1 km/h.
B walks north at 4 km/h.
C walks east at 3 km/h.
D walks south at 1 km/h

Which people are closest to one another after a one hour walk?

ID 584

Geometry and  Measurement K7The picture shows two identical squares with sides that have a length of 1 meter.
M is the midpoint of the corresponding sides of both squares.

Which part has the smallest perimeter?

ID 1026

Geometry and  Measurement K7For what X are triangles ABC and ADE similar?

ID 1085

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which is the closest to the value of the midpoint between 268 millimeters and 30 centimeters?

ID 1139

Geometry and  Measurement K7If each small square in the grid to the right is 1 square unit, what is the area of the shape?

ID 1142

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many different lines perpendicular to line AB contain points C, D, E, or F?

ID 1232

Geometry and  Measurement K7A school garden is 4 m long and 3 m wide.

How many bushes half a meter apart can be placed along the edges?

ID 1247

Geometry and  Measurement K7A rectangular prism is made up of four pieces, each consisting of colored cubes glued together.

Which of the pieces below has the same shape as the blue piece?

ID 1298

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many more lines must I draw to make a shape that has a line of symmetry?

Find the minimum number.

ID 1304

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many Ts can be placed inside the square without intersection?

ID 1382

Geometry and  Measurement K7The picture shows a regular polygon.

Which line is perpendicular to the line AB?

ID 1452

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many of the six faces of the die shown on the right have more than three lines of symmetry?

ID 1458

Geometry and  Measurement K7The area of each square in the picture is one square unit.

What is the area of the triangle?

ID 1484

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which shape could appear as the overlapping of two identical squares?

ID 1532

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many different line segments connecting red and green points can be drawn?

Each line segment goes from a red point to a green one and may not cross the red circle.

ID 1546

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many boxes measuring 1 x 2 x 3 can be packed into a container measuring 4 x 5 x 6?

ID 1575

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many parts can I get if I cut the semi-ring shape using two straight cuts?

ID 1625

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the smallest number of additional squares that must be shaded so that this figure has at least one line of symmetry?

ID 1688

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many pairs of beads are exactly the same distance apart as the length of the line segment AB?

The distance between the beads is the distance between the beads' centers.

ID 1702

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which two arcs are closest to each other?

ID 1730

Geometry and  Measurement K7The picture shows a regular polygon.

Which line is perpendicular to the line AB?

ID 1741

Geometry and  Measurement K7For what X do the centers of the two circles coincide?

ID 1744

Geometry and  Measurement K7I cut a triangle off a corner of a square to make a pentagon.

What is the sum of the two unmarked angles in the diagram?

ID 1905

Geometry and  Measurement K7The figure shows a triangle inside a square.

What is the area of the colored triangle?

ID 2015

Geometry and  Measurement K7What would this picture look like in a rearview mirror?

ID 2059

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the area of the shape.

ID 2081

Geometry and  Measurement K7Compare the perimeters of the colored shape with the 2 x 2 outer square.

ID 2255

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the maximum amount of Xs that you can you place on a Tic-tac-toe board without making three-in-a-row in any direction?

ID 2278

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which of the following is the odd one out?

ID 2282

Geometry and  Measurement K7Three of the four pieces below can be put together to form a perfect square.

What piece is the odd one out?

ID 2869

Geometry and  Measurement K7An underground pipe drains water from a house.
The pipe must drop 12 centimeters for each 1 meter of the pipe's length.

Find the total drop d of an 11-meter-long section of this pipe.

ID 2881

Geometry and  Measurement K7Anna and Bob are playing tic-tac-toe on their game board. The picture shows the last position.

Which picture shows how the game board would look after being rotated (turned) 90° clockwise?

ID 2898

Geometry and  Measurement K7A rectangular greeting card has an area of 195 cm2.
One side of the rectangle is 2 cm longer than the other side.
How long is the shorter side?

ID 2900

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which is the smallest angle?

ID 2902

Geometry and  Measurement K7We will increase the height of the photograph to 33 cm while maintaining the ratio of height to width.

What will be the width of the enlarged photograph?

ID 2903

Geometry and  Measurement K7Anna wraps ribbon around a present. She also needs 32 more centimeters (cm) of ribbon to tie a bow.

How much ribbon does she need to wrap the present and to tie the bow?

ID 2910

Geometry and  Measurement K7A 7x7x7 cube is painted, and then cut into 1x1x1 cubes.

How many of these cubes have only one painted side?

ID 2912

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which line segment is the largest?

ID 2919

Geometry and  Measurement K7For which letter did I use the greatest amount of green paint?

ID 2933

Geometry and  Measurement K7Both triangles are isosceles.
Which is the smallest?

ID 2934

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the largest?

ID 2935

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which shape has the largest area?

ID 2946

Geometry and  Measurement K7The shape is to be reflected 3 times over the vertical line y and then reflected 2 times over the horizontal line x. Find its new position.

ID 2948

Geometry and  Measurement K7The shape is to be reflected 2 times over the vertical line y and then reflected 4 times over the horizontal line x. Find its new position.

ID 2958

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the largest arc length.

ID 2962

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which two shapes have the same number of lines of symmetry?

ID 3230

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which is the closest to the value of the midpoint between 274 millimeters and 30 centimeters?

ID 3302

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which area is the largest?

ID 3366

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which of these parts has the largest area?

ID 3401

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which of the following graphs gives the greater value y for x = 2?

ID 3638

Geometry and  Measurement K7I stack 64 cubes on my table and paint them without moving any.

How many cubes have no paint on them?

ID 3672

Geometry and  Measurement K7All angles are right and the lengths of the sides are given in miles in the diagram.

Find Y.

ID 3765

Geometry and  Measurement K7The measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is two times the measure of its exterior angle.

How many sides does the polygon have?

Remember : the interior angle and its corresponding exterior angle always add up to 180°.

ID 3795

Geometry and  Measurement K7What fraction of the rectangle is shaded if A is the midpoint of the bottom side?

ID 3857

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many different heights can you build up with 2 bricks, each measuring 30 x 12 x 6 cm?

(The top surface has to be flat, in other words horizontal.)

ID 4184

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many planes of symmetry does the shape have?

ID 4460

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many squares contain the red dot?

ID 4522

Geometry and  Measurement K7The year was read the same the correct way up as upside down.

When was the next year?

ID 4844

Geometry and  Measurement K7I divided a 3 x 4 square into 6 squares.

What is the smallest number of squares into which you can divide a 5 x 6 rectangle?

Author: Matt Enlow

ID 4856

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which segment has the smallest measure?

ID 4857

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the largest measure between two red points?

ID 5053

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many angles with different degree measures can be seen in the picture?

ID 5261

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the minimum number of matches that must be moved in order to obtain two equilateral triangles?

ID 5286

Geometry and  Measurement K7A green cross is formed by placing two rectangles 8x4 over each other. What is the perimeter of the figure?

ID 5516

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many squares of any size are there in the picture?

ID 5519

Geometry and  Measurement K7I can draw 2 diagonals in a square.

How many diagonals can I draw in a pentagon?

ID 5557

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the number of rectangles of all sizes in the diagram?

ID 5567

Geometry and  Measurement K7A coin rolls from the left to the right, as shown.

What is the orientation of the coin when it continues and runs the same distance once more?

ID 5591

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the ratio of the number of red rhombuses to the number of blue hexagons?

ID 5693

Geometry and  Measurement K7What is the perimeter of the shape, which consists of 7 squares with sides of length 7?

ID 5779

Geometry and  Measurement K7If the sculpture weighs a total of 1900 grams, how much does one ball weigh?

ID 5816

Geometry and  Measurement K7Guess how many cells are there?

ID 6082

Geometry and  Measurement K7It the length of a stick is 1 inch, estimate the area of the rectangle.

ID 6437

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which shape has the largest area?

ID 6901

Geometry and  Measurement K7I can choose 36 different 3x3 squares on the 8x8 grid.

How many of them contain more than one green square?

ID 6907

Geometry and  Measurement K7Pairs of identical rectangular strips are overlapped to form different shapes.

Which shapes have the same perimeter?

ID 6943

Geometry and  Measurement K7The square frame is made of 4 identical planks.
The external perimeter of the square is 100cm.

What is the perimeter of a plank?

ID 7057

Geometry and  Measurement K7Find the area of the blue shape.

1 square = 1 square unit

ID 7081

Geometry and  Measurement K7How many of these shapes can be divided into four congruent pieces?

ID 7106

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which part of the shape is the largest?

ID 7358

Geometry and  Measurement K7Gerry has a centimeter ruler that is missing certain marks.

What is the number of different integer lengths from 1 to 6 that can be measured with the ruler?

ID 7379

Geometry and  Measurement K7Guess the number of beads in the necklace.

ID 7391

Geometry and  Measurement K7Which polygon has no diagonals?